  • Project Date:
    2023 - present
  • Category:
    Preventive Health Education
  • Location:
    United States
  • Media:
    A/V & Print

Preventive Health Education Development 

We are working to develop preventive health educational multimedia content freely available to the public. This audio/visual content can be accessed from this website and will also be searchable on the internet and YouTube. Topics will include:

✅  Strength Training - a comprehensive guide from a medical perspective. (Gym & Home locations addressed)

✅  Focus on how to prevent and treat osteoporosis, maintain and build lean muscle mass for strength and to aid in maintaining a normal weight.)

✅  Resistance Band Strength Training instructional guide is complete. Please see this A/V content as an example of the content we are developing.

✅  Back & Neck Preventive Health & Rehabilitation (Self Care) Focus on how to strengthen and balance all muscle groups to address pain, improve function, and prevent spinal degeneration.

✅  Continuation After Physical Therapy is Complete - What to do & Why it is necessary

✅  Nutrition - Eating for cellular needs and detailing what lab and diagnostic resources are available from primary care for patients with GI issues.

✅  Much more content is planned. All educational health material will be provided from a science and medical perspective and will be suitable for all ages from 10 to 100.

Why This Education Program Is Needed 

Reinforcement for in-person interventions is an absolute necessity for patients to be successful. In-person educational interventions can be expensive and require many encounters for comprehension.

✅  Primary Care Physicians - In-office counseling has not worked and there is insufficient time to properly educate patients when they are faced with chronic health conditions which has led to a medication first approach.

✅  Employers - Will be able to provide employees with professional resources when they are faced with chronic health conditions, back or neck pain, or are simply trying to be proactive with health maintenance.

✅  Community Wellness Programs - Health education professionals and facilities need additional educational multimedia content to ensure program success. Budgeting for preventive health programs is limited, so free professional content will enable organizations to do more with less.

✅  Middle and High School Health Classes - With obesity, diabetes, and other health issues becoming an issue earlier in life, more content is needed to support our health education teachers and our youth.

✅  General Public - Professional health education content is needed to combat internet misinformation, misleading advertising, and to provide an on-demand educational resource for individuals and familles.

Who Will This Benefit?   

The short answer is EVERYONE.  A few targeted groups include:

Primary Care Patients
Physical Therapy Patients
1st Time Exercisers
General Public
Chronic Health Conditions
Wellness Programs

Please contact us for further project details. We'd be happy to discuss this project and how we may be able to help you or your organization. Please help support us if you can.