learning with health information
  • Project Date:
    est: 2025/2026
  • Category:
    Public Health
  • Location:
    United States
  • Resource:
    TV, Web, Radio, Print

Preventive Health Media Messaging

Currently, very little preventive health public service messaging exists through any type of media.  Instead, we constantly see advertisements for products that do not aid in maintaining and enhancing health.  Pharmaceutical advertisments abound, but these only address symptoms or diseases.  Screen and treat advertisements such as diabetes or cancer screening are present, but once again, these are simply meant to recognize existing health problems so these can be treated.  True preventive health promotion and reminders are almost non-existent.   

Our organization feels that public preventive health messaging is an integral part of a complete preventive health initiative to enhance public health.  We intend to launch this initiative within the coming years along with the other parts of our preventive health framework.  This effort will be the most expensive leg of our framework requiring cooperation from many entities in order to be successful.  We anticipate a 5 year plan to bring our entire proposed preventive health framework to fruition and will work tirelessly towards this goal.      

Future project!  anticipated rollout 2025/2026

Our plan initially calls for the creation of preventive health education first.  This will form the backbone for both in-person and online efforts.  Please contact us for more details and how our proposed framework can be initiated as quickly as possible.    

Who Will This Benefit?   

EVERYONE!  This initiative is vital for the full success of our preventive health framework proposal. 

 Supports In-person resources
 Supports online resources
 Increases chances for success                                   
Supports primary care
kids learning online
adults learning online

Please contact us for further project & framework details. A more detailed preventive health framework has been developed and is available for viewing for all supporters. Please help support this effort if you can.